All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Sequence assembly format (text) format_2561 [Text format for sequence assembly data.]
arff format_3581 [ARFF (Attribute-Relation File Format) is an ASCII text file format that describes a list of instances sharing a set of attributes.]
bedgraph format_3583 [The bedGraph format allows display of continuous-valued data in track format. This display type is useful for probability scores and transcriptome data]
Comparative genomics topic_0797 [The study (typically comparison) of the sequence, structure or function of multiple genomes.]
Mobile genetic elements topic_0798 [Mobile genetic elements, such as transposons, Plasmids, Bacteriophage elements and Group II introns.]
Gene structure topic_0114 [Gene structure, regions which make an RNA product and features such as promoters, coding regions, gene fusion, splice sites etc.]
Genetic mapping and linkage topic_0796 [Informatics resources that aim to identify, map or analyse genetic markers in DNA sequences, for example to produce a genetic (linkage) map of a chromosome or genome or to analyse genetic linkage and synteny.]
csfasta format_3589 [Color space FASTA format sequence variant.]
Exome assembly operation_3229 [Analyse sequencing data from experiments aiming to selectively sequence the coding regions of the genome.]
Structural variation detection operation_3228 [Detect large regions in a genome subject to copy-number variation, or other structural variations in genome(s).]
Variant calling operation_3227 [Detect, identify and map mutations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, short indels and structural variants, in multiple DNA sequences. Typically the alignment and comparison of the fluorescent traces produced by DNA sequencing hardware, to study genomic alterations.]
Nucleic acid sequence analysis operation_2478 [Analyse a nucleic acid sequence (using methods that are only applicable to nucleic acid sequences).]
Variant prioritisation operation_3226 [Identify biologically interesting variants by prioritizing individual variants, for example, homozygous variants absent in control genomes.]
Protein report (transcription factor) data_2147 [An informative report on a transcription factor protein.]
Species frequency estimation operation_3221 [Estimate the frequencies of different species from analysis of the molecular sequences, typically of DNA recovered from environmental samples.]
Gene order data_3479 [Multiple gene identifiers in a specific order.]
Database category name data_2149 [The name of a category of biological or bioinformatics database.]
rcc format_3580 [Reporter Code Count-A data file (.csv) output by the Nanostring nCounter Digital Analyzer, which contains gene sample information, probe information and probe counts.]
Variant classification operation_3225 [Classify variants based on their potential effect on genes, especially functional effects on the expressed proteins.]
Sequence classification operation_2995 [Assign molecular sequence(s) to a group or category.]