All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Genome comparison operation_3209 [Compare the sequence or features of two or more genomes, for example, to find matching regions.]
Genome visualisation operation_3208 [Visualise, format or render a nucleic acid sequence that is part of (and in context of) a complete genome sequence.]
Nucleic acid features (siRNA) data_2169 [A report on siRNA duplexes in mRNA.]
Chromatogram visualisation operation_3203 [Visualise, format or render an image of a Chromatogram.]
Visualisation operation_0337 [Visualise, plot or render (graphically) biomolecular data such as molecular sequences or structures.]
RNA sequence (raw) data_3496 [A raw RNA sequence.]
Protein ionisation curve data_2165 [A plot of pK versus pH for a protein.]
Polymorphism detection operation_3202 [Detect mutations in multiple DNA sequences, for example, from the alignment and comparison of the fluorescent traces produced by DNA sequencing hardware.]
DNA sequence (raw) data_3497 [A raw DNA sequence.]
Sequence composition plot data_2166 [A plot of character or word composition / frequency of a molecular sequence.]
SNP calling operation_3201 [Identify single nucleotide change in base positions in sequencing data that differ from a reference genome and which might, especially by reference to population frequency or functional data, indicate a polymorphism.]
Sequence variations data_3498 [Data on gene sequence variations resulting large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects.]
Nucleic acid density plot data_2167 [Density plot (of base composition) for a nucleotide sequence.]
Sequence trace image data_2168 [Image of a sequence trace (nucleotide sequence versus probabilities of each of the 4 bases).]
DNA barcoding operation_3200 [Analyse DNA sequences in order to identify a DNA 'barcode'; marker genes or any short fragment(s) of DNA that are useful to diagnose the taxa of biological organisms.]
psd format_3597 [PSD (Photoshop Document) is a proprietary file that allows the user to work with the images' individual layers even after the file has been saved.]
ppm format_3596 [The PPM format is a lowest common denominator color image file format.]
xpm format_3599 [X PixMap (XPM) is an image file format used by the X Window System, it is intended primarily for creating icon pixmaps, and supports transparent pixels.]
xbm format_3598 [X BitMap is a plain text binary image format used by the X Window System used for storing cursor and icon bitmaps used in the X GUI.]
im format_3593 [IM is a format used by LabEye and other applications based on the IFUNC image processing library.]