All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Chemical name (ChEBI) data_0997 [Unique name from Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) of a chemical compound.]
Monosaccharide identifier data_0996 [Identifier of a monosaccharide.]
Compound identifier data_1086 [Identifier of an entry from a database of chemicals.]
Chemical registry number data_0991 [Unique registry number of a chemical compound.]
Nucleotide identifier data_0995 [Name or other identifier of a nucleotide.]
Amino acid identifier data_0994 [Identifier of an amino acid.]
Drug identifier data_0993 [Identifier of a drug.]
Drug structure data_2851 [3D coordinate and associated data for the (3D) structure of a drug.]
Ligand identifier data_0992 [Code word for a ligand, for example from a PDB file.]
CleanEx entry name data_2709 [An identifier of a gene expression profile from the CleanEx database.]
Gene expression report ID data_1080 [Accession of a report of gene expression (e.g. a gene expression profile) from a database.]
GO concept ID (cellular component) data_2705 [An identifier of a 'cellular component' concept from the Gene Ontology.]
GO concept ID data_1176 [An identifier of a concept from The Gene Ontology.]
Chromosome name (BioCyc) data_2706 [Name of a chromosome as used in the BioCyc database.]
CATH node ID (family) data_2701 [A code number identifying a family from the CATH database.]
CATH node ID data_1043 [A code number identifying a node from the CATH database.]
Enzyme ID (CAZy) data_2702 [Identifier of an enzyme from the CAZy enzymes database.]
Clone ID (IMAGE) data_2704 [A unique identifier assigned by the I.M.A.G.E. consortium to a clone (cloned molecular sequence).]
Clone ID data_1855 [An identifier of a clone (cloned molecular sequence) from a database.]
CATH identifier data_2700 [Identifier of a protein domain (or other node) from the CATH database.]