DNA structure prediction
operation_2442 |
[Predict DNA tertiary structure.] |
Nucleic acid structure prediction
operation_0475 |
[Predict structure of DNA or RNA.] |
CAS number
data_3102 |
[Unique numerical identifier of chemicals in the scientific literature, as assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service.] |
RNA structure prediction
operation_2441 |
[Predict RNA tertiary structure.] |
ATC code
data_3103 |
[Unique identifier of a drug conforming to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System, a drug classification system controlled by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology (WHOCC).] |
Drug accession
data_2895 |
[Accession of a drug.] |
Sequence features (compositionally-biased regions)
data_3119 |
[A report of regions in a molecular sequence that are biased to certain characters.] |
Microarray protocol annotation
data_3116 |
[Annotation on laboratory and/or data processing protocols used in an microarray experiment.] |
Codon usage data processing
operation_2493 |
[Process (read and / or write) codon usage data.] |
Protein interaction prediction
operation_2492 |
[Predict the interactions of proteins with other proteins.] |
Protein-protein interaction analysis
operation_2949 |
[Analyse the interactions of proteins with other proteins.] |
Splicing analysis
operation_2499 |
[Predict, analyse, characterize or model splice sites, splicing events and so on, typically by comparing multiple nucleic acid sequences.] |
Modelling and simulation
operation_2426 |
[Model or simulate some biological entity or system, typically using mathematical techniques including dynamical systems, statistical models, differential equations, and game theoretic models.] |
Processed microarray data
data_3111 |
[Data generated from processing and analysis of probe set data from a microarray experiment.] |
Sequencing-based expression profile data analysis
operation_2498 |
[Analyse SAGE, MPSS or SBS experimental data, typically to identify or quantify mRNA transcripts.] |
Pathway or network analysis
operation_2497 |
[Generate, process or analyse a biological pathway or network.] |
Gene regulatory network processing
operation_2496 |
[Process (read and / or write) a network of gene regulation.] |
Sequence motif matches (protein)
data_3130 |
[Report on the location of matches to profiles, motifs (conserved or functional patterns) or other signatures in one or more protein sequences.] |
Sequence motif matches (nucleic acid)
data_3131 |
[Report on the location of matches to profiles, motifs (conserved or functional patterns) or other signatures in one or more nucleic acid sequences.] |
Nucleic acid features (d-loop)
data_3132 |
[A report on displacement loops in a mitochondrial DNA sequence.] |