Protein secondary structure
topic_0694 |
[Protein secondary structure or secondary structure alignments.] |
Nucleic acid structure report
data_3128 |
[A human-readable collection of information about regions within a nucleic acid sequence which form secondary or tertiary (3D) structures.] |
Protein features report (repeats)
data_3129 |
[short repetitive subsequences (repeat sequences) in a protein sequence.] |
Nucleic acid features (difference and change)
data_3122 |
[A report on features in a nucleic acid sequence that indicate changes to or differences between sequences.] |
Nucleic acid features (immunoglobulin gene structure)
data_3140 |
[A report on predicted or actual immunoglobulin gene structure including constant, switch and variable regions and diversity, joining and variable segments.] |
SCOP class
data_3141 |
[Information on a 'class' node from the SCOP database.] |
format_3005 |
[Wiggle format (WIG) of a sequence annotation track that consists of a value for each sequence position. Typically to be displayed in a genome browser.] |
SCOP fold
data_3142 |
[Information on a 'fold' node from the SCOP database.] |
format_3004 |
[bigBed format for large sequence annotation tracks, similar to textual BED format.] |
SCOP superfamily
data_3143 |
[Information on a 'superfamily' node from the SCOP database.] |
Structure analysis
operation_2480 |
[Analyse known molecular tertiary structures.] |
format_3001 |
[ACE sequence assembly format including contigs, base-call qualities, and other metadata (version Aug 1998 and onwards).] |
format_3000 |
[AB1 binary format of raw DNA sequence reads (output of Applied Biosystems' sequencing analysis software). Contains an electropherogram and the DNA base sequence.] |
Protein tertiary structure
topic_0698 |
[Protein tertiary structures.] |
RNA structure
topic_0697 |
[RNA secondary or tertiary structure and alignments.] |
format_3007 |
[PSL format of alignments, typically generated by BLAT or psLayout. Can be displayed in a genome browser like a sequence annotation track.] |
format_3006 |
[bigWig format for large sequence annotation tracks that consist of a value for each sequence position. Similar to textual WIG format.] |
format_3009 |
[2bit binary format of nucleotide sequences using 2 bits per nucleotide. In addition encodes unknown nucleotides and lower-case 'masking'.] |
format_3008 |
[Multiple Alignment Format (MAF) supporting alignments of whole genomes with rearrangements, directions, multiple pieces to the alignment, and so forth.] |
Protein sequence analysis
operation_2479 |
[Analyse a protein sequence (using methods that are only applicable to protein sequences).] |