All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Ontology concept data_2858 [A concept from a biological ontology.]
Protein isoelectric point data_1528 [The isoelectric point of one proteins.]
Toxin structure data_2852 [3D coordinate and associated data for the (3D) structure of a toxin.]
Position-specific scoring matrix data_2854 [A simple matrix of numbers, where each value (or column of values) is derived derived from analysis of the corresponding position in a sequence alignment.]
Sequence profile data_1354 [Some type of statistical model representing a (typically multiple) sequence alignment.]
Protein charge plot data_1523 [A plot of the mean charge of the amino acids within a window of specified length as the window is moved along a protein sequence.]
Protein sequence hydropathy plot data_1522 [A protein sequence with annotation on hydrophobic or hydrophilic / charged regions, hydrophobicity plot etc.]
Protein aliphatic index data_1521 [The aliphatic index of a protein.]
Peptide hydrophobic moment data_1520 [Report on the hydrophobic moment of a polypeptide sequence.]
SAM format_2573 [Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format for alignment of nucleotide sequences (e.g. sequencing reads) to (a) reference sequence(s). May contain base-call and alignment qualities and other data.]
completely unambiguous pure rna sequence format_2570 [Alphabet for an RNA sequence (characters ACGU only) without unknown positions, ambiguity or non-sequence characters.]
rna format_1213 [Alphabet for an RNA sequence with possible ambiguity, unknown positions and non-sequence characters.]
BAM format_2572 [BAM format, the binary, BGZF-formatted compressed version of SAM format for alignment of nucleotide sequences (e.g. sequencing reads) to (a) reference sequence(s). May contain base-call and alignment qualities and other data.]
COG sequence cluster format format_1247 [Format of an entry from the COG database of clusters of (related) protein sequences.]
EMBL feature location format_1248 [Format for sequence positions (feature location) as used in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database.]
Sequence range format format_2078 [Format used to specify range(s) of sequence positions.]
Protein structure report data_1537 [A human-readable collection of information about one or more specific protein 3D structure(s) or structural domains.]
MHC peptide immunogenicity report data_1536 [A report on the immunogenicity of MHC class I or class II binding peptides.]
Tree dating operation_3942 [The application of phylogenetic and other methods to estimate paleogeographical events such as speciation.]
Phylogenetic analysis operation_0324 [Analyse an existing phylogenetic tree or trees, typically to detect features or make predictions.]