All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Northern blot report data_2866 [Northern Blot experiments.]
Phylogenetic tree reconciliation operation_3947 [Mapping between gene tree nodes and species tree nodes or branches, to analyse and account for possible differences between gene histories and species histories, explaining this in terms of gene-scale events such as duplication, loss, transfer etc.]
Phylogenetic tree comparison operation_0325 [Compare two or more phylogenetic trees.]
Ecological modelling operation_3946 [The development and use of mathematical models and systems analysis for the description of ecological processes, and applications such as the sustainable management of resources.]
Codon usage analysis operation_0286 [Analyse codon usage in molecular sequences or process codon usage data (e.g. a codon usage table).]
Protein structural quality report data_1539 [Report on the quality of a protein three-dimensional model.]
Protein hydrogen exchange rate data_1530 [The hydrogen exchange rate of a protein.]
Codon usage bias data_2865 [A numerical measure of differences in the frequency of occurrence of synonymous codons in DNA sequences.]
Protein subcellular localisation data_1533 [An informative report on protein subcellular localisation (nuclear, cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, chloroplast, plastid, membrane etc) or destination (exported / extracellular proteins).]
Protein optical density data_1532 [The optical density of a protein.]
Protein extinction coefficient data_1531 [The extinction coefficient of a protein.]
Amino acid identifier format format_2562 [Text format (representation) of amino acid residues.]
STRING entry format format_2560 [Entry format for the STRING database of protein interaction.]
pure format_2094 [Alphabet for molecular sequence with possible unknown positions but without non-sequence characters.]
completely unambiguous format_2566 [Alphabet for a molecular sequence without any unknown positions or ambiguity characters.]
completely unambiguous pure dna format_2569 [Alphabet for a DNA sequence (characters ACGT only) without unknown positions, ambiguity or non-sequence characters.]
dna format_1212 [Alphabet for a DNA sequence with possible ambiguity, unknown positions and non-sequence characters.]
completely unambiguous pure nucleotide format_2568 [Alphabet for a nucleotide sequence (characters ACGTU only) without unknown positions, ambiguity or non-sequence characters .]
nucleotide format_1207 [Alphabet for a nucleotide sequence with possible ambiguity, unknown positions and non-sequence characters.]
Protein hydrogen bonds data_1549 [Patterns of hydrogen bonding in protein structures.]