All properties in MONDO

Label Id Description
created_by created_by
creation_date creation_date
creator creator
cross-species analog MONDO_0700097
database_cross_reference hasDbXref
date date
definition IAO_0000115
deprecated deprecated
description description
disease arises from feature RO_0004022
disease arises from structure RO_0004030
disease caused by disruption of RO_0004021
disease caused by reactivation of latent infectious agent MONDO_0100333
disease causes dysfunction of RO_0004025
disease causes feature disease_causes_feature
disease disrupts RO_0004024
disease has basis in accumulation of disease_has_basis_in_accumulation_of
disease has basis in dysfunction of RO_0004020
disease has feature RO_0004029
disease has infectious agent RO_0014001