All properties in MONDO

Label Id Description
disease has inflammation site RO_0004027
disease has location RO_0004026
disease has major feature disease_has_major_feature
disease has primary infectious agent MONDO_0100332
disease responds to disease_responds_to
disease shares features of disease_shares_features_of
disease triggers disease_triggers
disease_grouping disease_grouping
disease_has_basis_in_development_of disease_has_basis_in_development_of
do_inheritance_inconsistent do_inheritance_inconsistent
dubious synonym DUBIOUS
exactMatch exactMatch
excluded subClassOf excluded_subClassOf
excluded_synonym excluded_synonym
gard_rare gard_rare
harrisons_view harrisons_view
has characteristic RO_0000053
has exclusion reason has_exclusion_reason
has material basis in germline mutation in RO_0004003
has onset has_onset